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MINUTES - February 9, 2021




TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2021 @ 6:30PM

The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met virtually via Zoom at the following link

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  • Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  • Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  • Printed in the Home News Tribune on January 13, 2021; and
  • Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present via Zoom: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Board Member Richard Lans, Board Member Hemant Patel, Board Member Kenneth Hilyard (Arrived at 6:39pm) Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Peter Van Den Kooy, and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Planner Robert Russo

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

  • Members of the Public were in attendance via Zoom.


Re-Appointment of Board Attorney: Jerome J. Convery, Esq.

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Re-Appointment of Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Esq. was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                                Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

Re-Appointment of Board Secretary: Alicia Gonzalez

UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Re-Appointment of Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Aye

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman: Randy Beverly

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Board Member Richard Lans, the Re-Appointment of Board Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Aye

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

Reorganization: Appointment of Board Planning Consultant: Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Appointment of Board Planning Consultant Robert Russo, PP, of CME Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Absent – Technical difficulties

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi          Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback          Aye


Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabiliation: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Rehabilitation – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Absent – Technical difficulties

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi          Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback          Aye

Reorganization: Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services: Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Consulting Engineer for Affordable Housing Services – Center State Engineering, Mark Rasimowicz, PE was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Absent – Technical difficulties

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi          Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback          Aye

Reorganization: Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing: Piazza & Associates

UPON MOTION made by Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Appointment of Administrative Agent for Affordable Housing – Piazza & Associates was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Absent – Technical difficulties

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi          Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback          Aye


Approval of Minutes: MTAHB Meeting – October 14, 2020

UPON MOTION made by Board Member Hemant Patel and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the MINUTES of the October 14, 2020 Monroe Township Affordable Housing Board Meeting were approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Absent – Technical difficulties

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                                Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi          Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback          Aye



Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:


Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery stated that Conifer Realty, developers for the Veteran’s Housing project, is scheduled to appear before the Planning Board Technical Review Committee (TRC) February 12, 2021 and before the Planning Board on February 25, 2021. This is a courtesy review rather than a review that requires a vote from the Planning Board as this is a Township funded development. There will be 80 units built for the Veteran’s Housing project.

Board Planner’s Report, Peter Van Den Kooy, PP:

Board Planner Peter Van Den Kooy introduced himself and other team members from CME Associates that have been providing Planning Services specifically for Affordable Housing for twenty-five to twenty-eight towns throughout New Jersey.



Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering:




Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated additional work for an electrical box in the amount of $1,198.00 increased the final total from $15,522.00 to $16,720.00.


UPON MOTION made by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution authorizing the Change Order #1 to Contract MT-346-20 was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Absent – Technical difficulties

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Absent

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member Hemant Patel                                 Aye

                           Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi          Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback          Aye



Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated there was a reduction in cost in the amount of $3,627.00 making the final amount $28,755.00.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Richard Lans and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution authorizing Payment #2, Change Order #1 Final to Contract MT-348-20 was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Aye

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Aye

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member Hemant Patel                                 Aye



Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated there was a reduction in cost for the amount of $2,174.00 making the final amount $24,130.00.


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Richard Lans, the Resolution Authorizing Payment #1, Change Order #1 and Final to MT-349-20 was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Aye

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Aye

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member Hemant Patel                                 Aye



Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated there were two contractors who bid on MT-351-20 and recommend the award of contract to Bogue Custom Builders as they were the lowest bidder by about $3,000.00. Board Member Kenneth Hilyard inquired to how many contracts Bogue Custom Builders is currently working on. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that Bogue Custom Builders had recently closed out two contracts and there is only one outstanding contract which is under contract with New Venture Construction where they are waiting on windows that are back ordered.


UPON MOTION made by Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and seconded by Board Member Hemant Patel, the Resolution Authorizing Award of Rehabilitation Contract for MT-351-20 to Bogue Custom Builders was approved.

ROLL CALL:  Chairwoman Miriam Cohen                                  Aye

                           Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly                              Aye

                           Board Member Kenneth Hilyard                           Aye

                           Board Member Richard Lans                                 Aye

                           Board Member Hemant Patel                                 Aye


New Business:


  • None

Old Business:


  • No Old Business

Public Comment:


  • (0) members of the Public were present via Zoom.


UPON MOTION made by Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi the meeting was adjourned at 6:51 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Aye

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Aye


Alicia Gonzalez

Affordable Housing Board Secretary