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MINUTES - March 2, 2022





WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2022 @ 6:30PM


The Township of Monroe Affordable Housing Board met virtually via Zoom at the following link

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen with a Salute to the Flag.

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen requested the Board Attorney to read the following SUNSHINE LAW:

In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the Minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following:

  • Posted on the Bulletin Board of the Office of the Township Clerk;
  • Posted on the Bulletin Boards within the Municipal Complex;
  • Printed in the Home News Tribune on February 28, 2022; and
  • Posted on the Monroe Township website

UPON ROLL CALL by the Board Secretary Alicia Gonzalez, the following members of the Board were present via Zoom: Chairwoman Miriam Cohen, Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly, Board Member Richard Lans, Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi and Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback

ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Jerome J. Convery, Board Planner Malvika Apte and Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz.

ABSENT: Board Planner Robert Russo, Board Member Kenneth Hilyard and Board Member Hemant Patel

Chairwoman Miriam Cohen confirmed that there is a five (5) minute standing rule that applies for the public portion of the meeting.

(2) Member of the Public was in attendance via Zoom.


Board Attorney’s Report, Jerome J. Convery, Esq.:



             Board Attorney Jerome Convery presented the Hardship request for MT-320-14 explaining that              the homeowners would like to sell the home at market rate value and to payback the amount              owed to the Affordable Housing Trust.

UPON MOTION made by Alternate II Board Member Arnold Riback and seconded by Alternate I Board Member Andrea Pellezzi, the Resolution recommending the release of Affordable Housing lien MT-320-14 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Absent

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Aye


Board Planner’s Report, Malvika Apte, PP:

No report at this time.



Board Engineer’s Report, Mark Rasimowicz, Centerstate Engineering:




Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that MT-369-21 was previously awarded to New Venture Construction but upon the homeowners’ request for a reduction in the scope of work a new proposal was created. Board Engineer Mark Rasimowicz stated that one proposal was received and recommended the revised rehabilitation contract to be awarded to Icon Industries in the amount of $51,840.00.


UPON MOTION made by Vice Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Richard Lans, the Resolution authorizing the award of revised rehabilitation contract for MT-369-21 was approved.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Absent

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Aye


New Business:

  • None

Old Business:

  • None


Public Comment:


  • (2) members of the Public were present via Zoom.
  • Homeowner from MT-320-14 wanted to thank the Board for having a special meeting for their hardship request but had stated that a few years after the rehabilitation work was completed the bathroom and bedroom had mildew and erosion for several years. Due to that mildew and erosion would the Board consider the payoff amount to be pro-rated to 7.5 years rather than 75% of the amount of final cost of work done. Board Attorney Jerome Convery strongly recommended against this request to decrease the amount of payoff as the homeowner always signs off on the work completed and the mildew/erosion happened a few years after the work was completed which was past the one-year warranty. Board Attorney Jerome Convery recommends no further action with the agreeance of Vice-Chairman Randy Beverly and Chairwoman Miriam Cohen.


UPON MOTION made by Vice Chairman Randy Beverly and seconded by Board Member Richard Lans the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m.

ROLL CALL:   Chairwoman, Miriam Cohen                                 Aye

                           Vice-Chairman, Randy Beverly                             Aye

                           Board Member, Kenneth Hilyard                          Absent

                           Board Member, Richard Lans                               Aye

                           Board Member, Hemant Patel                               Absent

                           Alternate I Board Member, Andrea Pellezzi         Aye

                           Alternate II Board Member, Arnold Riback         Aye


Alicia Gonzalez

Affordable Housing Board Secretary