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Environmental Minutes | April 5, 2023


Meeting April 5 at 7:00 PM                      

1.       CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

2.       Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3.       Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)            

                   _√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _×_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

                   _√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

                   _√_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

                                   _√_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison),

                                     _×_ Siddhi Patil (Student Associate)

                                   _√_ Mihir Majmundar,

                                   _√_ John Riggs

                                    _√_ Surabhi Agarwal

                                   _√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes–: A Motion to approve the March 1, 2023, minutes made by Renee Haider and seconded by John Riggs. All in favor.               

Applicant A.    Bulk Variance, Owner Patrick Mahon

                           Block 21.17, Lots 1

           Speaker:       Attorney Jared Pape, Heilbrunn Pape

The commission had the following concerns:

  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission Finds both the letter from the Delaware and Raritan Canal Commission and the permit from the Middlesex County, Office of Environmental Health to construct an individual sewage disposal system on the property acceptable.
  • We understand the property has overgrown Christmas Trees that will be removed and replanted, if possible. The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that landscaping to act as buffers between neighboring properties and roadways include as many New Jersey native flowering plants /bushes/evergreen trees (except for white pine) as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also help to improve local air and water quality.
  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that all outdoor lighting be LED, dark sky, and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.

We understand that at least lot 1 was used to farm and grow Christmas trees. Due to the historical farming on the property and change in use to residential, the MTEC recommends that historic pesticide sampling be conducted in accordance with the most recent version of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Historically Applied Pesticide Technical Guidance document. The sampling methodology and results should be submitted to the MTEC and Zoning Board for review.

  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, the MTEC prior to seeking Zoning and/or Planning Board approval in all future application submittals.

Applicant B. Esposito Construction

                       Preliminary Final Site Plan

                       Block 31 Lot 1

Speaker:       John Vincenti

The commission had the following concerns:  

  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission understands that this property is rural residential-farmland preservation zone, with a portion of the northern corner of the property located in a flood hazard/conservation district determined by FEMA as an area of minimal flood hazard. The property contains three buildings (residence, a roughly 8,000sq.ft. metal warehouse unoccupied. The residence was serviced by a water supply well and septic system. The site plans provided by the applicant note that a second supply well is present near the metal building and that a septic system is present between the metal building and a former storage building located further north. The plans indicate that this fourth building on site was being removed at the time the property survey was being completed.
  • The Monroe township Environmental Commission understands that the applicant plans to store and perform maintenance on company – owned trucks and vehicles on the property. No third-party vehicle maintenance will be conducted.
  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that the areas to the north and west of the currently developed portion of the subject property remain underdeveloped so that the wetland and vernal pool ecosystems remain intact habitat for wildlife. It appears from review of the plans provided and from aerial photos, that the neighbor to the west appears to be encroaching on the applicant’s property. This reduces the amount of land the applicant states will remain in its natural state as open space and habitat for wildlife.   It also creates a potential liability for the applicant if someone is injured due to activity on the applicant’s property.
  • As Stated during the Monroe Township Environmental Commission meeting, please confirm in writing that a chain link fence will be installed around the perimeter of the developed portion of the property.
  • According to the EIS, heavy machinery, trucks, and materials such as piping, accessories, hydrants, pre-cast structures, concrete blocks, geotextiles, and traffic control devices will also be stored on the property. The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that these material items be stored in covered secured locations to prevent rainwater from washing any residual debris on these items into the ground or nearby waterways.
  • The Monroe Township recommends the applicant review our Environmental Resources Inventory document (2020) with respect to the property’s location within the potential vernal habitat area and with respect to a portion of the site mapped as Rank 2 in the NJDEP Landscape Project, indicating there is an occurrence of species considered to be of special concern.
  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that the historic pesticide sampling be conducted in accordance with the most recent version of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Historically Applied Pesticide Technical Guidance document.
  • The Monroe Township Environmental commission recommends that landscaping to act as buffers between neighboring properties and roadways include as many New Jersey native flowering plants/bushes/evergreen trees (except for white pine) as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual perennial plantings. These buffers also act to improve local air and water quality.
  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that all outdoor lighting be LED, dark sky, and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.
  1. The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends the applicant provide a supplemental environmental report that includes the following NJDEP Wetlands LOI and a copy of the wetland’s delineation map.
  2. Determine the appropriate North American Industry classification system (NAICS) codes for all prior owners and tenants to determine if the property is subject to regulations pertaining to the Industrial Site Recover Act (ISRA) rules.
  3. A discussion of how the applicant’s waste fluids from the site will be stored, handled, disposed.
  4. A discussion of how the development of the site will protect the potential vernal habitat and Rank 2 species of special concern.
  5. A discussion as to why no site samples were submitted for total metals analysis.
  6. Soil and, if necessary, groundwater sampling should be conducted in the following areas of environmental concern.
  • Beneath the stained areas identified in one or both of either the metal building and/or 2,000 sq. ft masonry building.
  • Heating oil tank associated with the residence.
  • Septic system associated with the residence and the metal building.
  • The former oil change pit that has been filled in is located in the 2,000 sq. Ft. masonry building.
  • Areas on sit that were farmed after reviewing the historic aerials not only in the Phase I/II Report, but also provided on the website.
  • A site plan clearly indicates the test pit locations, along with the appropriate test pit number so that the soil and groundwater analytical results can be associated with each test pit location.
  • A discussion of the purpose for the fourth building on sit north of the metal building which was apparently a storage building being removed at the time the site survey was being performed and whether any media sampling is appropriate.
  • A site plan showing the AOCs mentioned in the Phase I/II report.
  • Potable water sampling results of the well to be used as the water supply on the property and well abandonment report on the property.
  • Sampling results should be forwarded to the Monroe Township Environmental Commission.
  • The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, the MTEC prior to seeking Zoning and /or Planning Board approval in all future application submittals.

4.       Committee Reports:

a.       High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-

MTHS Green Team

  • Completed and submitted the application for the new grant cycle to refurbish and supply the greenhouse at MTHS.

Preschool Collab

  • On February 8th, 13th, and 16th in conjunction with the Shade Tree Commission, EAC student volunteers collaborated with the Falcon’s Nest Preschool to educate children about sustainability and the environment.

Econight Prep

  • The Econight Event Team finalized the vent timeline and continued planning for the 4th Annual Econight that will be taking place at MTHS on Tuesday, April 18 @5:30-8PM this spring.
  • The event will include an actionable conversation panel, trivia, refreshments, environmental exhibits, games, and more for all those who attend.
  • The Actionable Conversation Panel will discuss the environmental social responsibility people had and what kinds of actions they can take to be more sustainable on an independent/community level with regards to waste management, energy, and environmental legislation.

Ashlyn Spector- environmental social responsibility to people hold and what kinds of actions they can take to be more sustainable on   an independent/community level with regards to waste management, energy, and environmental legislation.

Brynn Mosello- Sustainability and Communications Director at Mazda Recycling

Christopher Sikorski- District Recycling Coordinator for Office of Health Services, Division of Solid Waste.

  • Members will present their live exhibit about a niche environmental topic of their choice. Topics include fast fashion, light pollution, endangered animals, wind mills & whales, and more.

b.       Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.

  1. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian- Stream Clean up is scheduled for April 15, 2023, 11:00 AM.
  2. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-Nothing to report.
  3. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.
  4. Education Committee Report-   Coordinator Renee Haider – Nothing to report.
  5. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider- Registration is now open for NJ Sustainable Summit held on May 5th, 2023, at Bells Works. Meeting scheduled for April 26, 2023, with Kevin McGowan to discuss 3 actions.

h.       Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Library agreed to work on the Book Marks. Still working on Green Tip Books.


  1. Planning Board – Nothing to report

6.       Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

  1. Open to Public –Comments- Nothing to report.
  2. Adjournment 8:47 PM MOTION: Renee Haider, Joe Slomian Second
  3. NEXT MEETING DATE: May 3, 2023

Environmental Minutes | March 1, 2023

Meeting March 1, 2023, at 7:00 PM

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag
2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record
3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)
_√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _√_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)
_√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling
_√_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian
_×_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison),
_×_ Siddhi Patil (Student Associate)
_√_ Mihir Majmundar,
_×_ John Riggs
_√_ Surabhi Agarwal
_√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)
Adoption of Minutes–: A Motion to approve the February 1, 2023, minutes made by Renee Haider and seconded by Ken Konya. All in favor.
Applicant A. Forever Iron Door
Preliminary Major Site Plan
Block 3 Lot 11
Speaker: Sharif Aly, Amertech Engineering
The commission had the following concerns:
· The Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape with buffers between neighboring properties and roadways with as many New Jersey native flowering plants/bushes/trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plants. The buffers also act to improve local air and water quality.
· Please provide a combination of small trees and bushes as a visual buffer between the highway and the location of the detention basin in front of the property. We suggest leaving as many existing mature trees as possible. All plantings should be native NJ evergreens wherever possible.
· Please consider installation of EV charging stations instead of only EV ready stations.
· The Commission recommends that all lighting be LED, dark sky (downward facing), and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.
· Please consider incorporating as many of the attached eco-friendly design options as possible.
· Please consider using companies that have adopted a lower carbon emission concrete manufacturing process which is environmentally friendly and consistent with New Jersey’s initiative to reduce carbon emissions.
· Developments along Route 33 have incorporated sidewalk plans in their design. The Commission recommends that a sidewalk be provided along the property’s frontage on Route 33 or that funds be set aside for a sidewalk to be installed in the future.
· Pease review NJDEP’s GeoWeb historic preservation identified “INDV” classification Monroe’s Environmental Commission Resources
· Inventory dated 2020 also Identifies this property as historic as shown on Figure 3 and discussed in Section 2.0 of the ERI. Please provide a detailed evaluation of historical significance of the property and this proposed development should be reviewed by the Monroe Township Historic Preservation Commission.
· All associated utilities with the existing dwelling on the property (underground heating oil tank, septic system, and water supply well) should be abandoned and/or removed on accordance with local and state regulations. Any indication of contamination impacting soil and/ or groundwater due to past uses of the septic and/or underground heating oil tank should be reported to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s spill hotline.
· The Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) prepared by Amertech Engineering, Inc. For this application refers to the Monroe Township Environmental Resource inventory dated 2006. The Monroe Township Environmental Resource Inventory dated 2020 should be reviewed when preparing all EIS submittals.
· The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, the Commission prior to seeking Zoning and/or Planning Board approval in all future application submittals.
4. Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam- Nothing to report.
b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.
c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian- Community Garden Stream Cleanup is scheduled for April 15, 2023, at 9:00AM. Monroe Clean Day Sweep of Monroe will be March 25th, 2023.
d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-Nothing to report.
e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.
f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider – Joe Harvie Scholarship is due March 10th, 2023.
g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-Nothing to report.
h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar-
6. Planning Board – Nothing to report
7. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.
8. Open to Public –Comments- Nothing to report.

9. Adjournment 8:15 PM MOTION: Renee Haider, Majir Majmundar Second
10. NEXT MEETING DATE: April 5, 2023

Environmental Minutes | May 3, 2023


Meeting, May 3, 2023, at 7:00 PM

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

_√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _×_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

_√_ Renee Haider, _×_ Roger Dreyling

_×_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

_×_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison),

_×_ Siddhi Patil (Student Associate)

_√_ Mihir Majmundar,

_×_ John Riggs

_×_ Surabhi Agarwal

_√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes–: A Motion to approve the May 3, 2023, minutes made by Renee Haider and seconded by Mihir Majmundar. All in favor.

Applicant No Applicants to report.

Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-Nothing to report.

b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.

c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian- Nothing to report.

d. Energy Committee – Renee Haider informed us that Monroe Township is eligible for a $75,000.00 Formula Grant. Harold Klein is working on submitting the application that is due by April 28, 2023.

e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.

f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider – Senior award for Joe Harvie Scholarship will be given to a student on May 23rd, 2023.

g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-Bells works Sustainability Summit is on is Friday May 5, 2023

h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Green Team next meeting will be May 17, 2023, at 7:00PM. The Flyers will be ready in May.

4. Planning Board – Nothing to report.

5. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

6. Open to Public –Comments- Nothing to report.

7. Adjournment 8:43 PM MOTION: Renee Haider, Joe Slomian Second

8. NEXT MEETING DATE: June 7, 2023

Environmental Minutes | February 1, 2023



Meeting February 1, 2023, at 7:00 PM


  • CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

  • Sunshine Law- Read into the record
  • Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

                                     _√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _√_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

                                     _√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

                                    _√_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

                                    _√_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison),

                                      _√_ Siddhi Patil (Student Associate)

                                    _√_ Mihir Majmundar,

                                    _√_ John Riggs

                                     _√_ Surabhi Agarwal

                                   _√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes–:  A Motion to approve the January 4, 2023, minutes made by Renee Haider and seconded by Joe Slomian. All in favor.


Applicant A.    Amazon

               Amended Site Plan and Variance application.

                6 Farrington Boulevard

                 Block 8 Lot 8.5

           Speaker:           Joseph Paparo, ESQ

                                       Daniel Russi, Amazon

                                         Dan Disario, Langan Engineering

  • The commission had the following concerns:
  • The commission understands that Amazon is a tenant and does not own the facility. However, we recommend that the facility provide EV charging stations in addition to EV “make ready” spaces. We also recommend the facility also consider installing infrastructure for solar energy consumption.
  • The Commission recommends that all “flex” vehicles do not idle while loading/unloading the vehicles on the property.
  • The Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape with buffers between neighboring properties and roadways, and around the facility’s rain garden with as many New Jersey native flowering plants/bushes/trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also act to improve local ai and water quality.
  • The Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, The Commission prior to seeking Zoning and/or Planning board approval in all future applications submittals.


                Applicant B:      Monroe Veterans Affordable Housing

                                                 Block 41 Lot 14                   

                                                  Preliminary Major Site Plan                             

  • Speaker: Zeke Cullen, Mid Atlantic Engineering 


  • The commission had the following concerns:
  • The commission recommends that all lighting be LED, dark sky (downward facing), and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.
  • The Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape, with buffers between neighboring properties and roadways, and around facility’s rain garden with as many New Jersey native flowering plants/bushes/trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers are aesthetically pleasing and also act to improve local air, noise, and water quality.
  • The Commission recommends that the berm to be installed along Cranbury Half Acre Road be planted with a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees so there is a dense canopy throughout all season, especially during the months when the deciduous trees lose their leaves.
  • Please consider installation of EV charging stations instead of only EV ready statins and consider incorporating as many of the attached eco-friendly design options as possible.
  • All tree removal and replacement plans should be reviewed and approved by the Shade Tree Commission and the township tree Assessor.
  • The Commission recommends that the trash “pads” used to temporarily store the facility’s garbage containers be revised to include a secure enclosure with secured dumpsters for trash and recycling.


  • Committee Reports:
  • High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-

Monroe Township Green Team

  • The Monroe Township Highschool Green Team is continuing to work on the final report for the refillable water stations and beginning to complete the new grant application.
  • The School Community Asset Mapping committee began mapping out the many assets by splitting up Monroe into five sections: Brookside, Barclay Brook, Jamesburg, Applegarth, and Woodland.

Preschool Collab

  • Student Volunteers began prepping materials and activities for the three-day event on February 8th, 13th, and 16th in conjunction with the Shade Tree Commission on the last day of the event.

EcoNight Prep

  • The EcoNight Event Team began planning for the 4th annual EcoNight that will be taking place at Monroe Township Highschool on Thursday, April 13th this spring.
  • Members can begin to fill out the EcoNight exhibit registration form as soon as they have their exhibit idea planned.

Sustainable Jersey Grant

  • The Monroe Township Green Team is applying for the new Grants Cycle at sustainable Jersey. The Grant Team and EAC Executives hope to work with the Unified/Falcon Life/TAPS/Self-Contained class programs to restore the Greenhouse at Monroe Township Highschool.
  • We are planning to work towards submitting the application for the $2000.00 grant for our school greenhouse.
  • The specifics of this project are still in the works, but so far, we plan to work with local greenhouses and use the grant money to restore the exiting high school greenhouse.
  • Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.
  • Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian- Stream clean up is set for April 15, 2023
  • Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-Nothing to report.
  • Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.
  • Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider –
  • The library presentation on February 18, 2023, will be on Climate Change.
  • Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-
  • Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Green Fair Date is set for September 23, 2023.


  • Planning Board – Nothing to report
  • Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.
  • Open to Public –Comments- Nothing to report.
  • Adjournment 8:43 PM MOTION: Renee Haider, Joe Slomian Second
  • NEXT MEETING DATE: March 1, 2023

Environmental Minutes | January 4, 2023



Meeting Date: January 4th, 2023

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

_√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _×_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

_√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

_×_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

_√_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison)

_√_ Mihir Majmundar, _√_ John Riggs

_×_ Lucille di Pasquale, _√_ Surabhi Agarwal

_×_ Irene Goldberg, _√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes: A Motion to approve the December 5th, 2022, minutes made by Joseph Slomian and seconded by Roger Dreyling. All in favor.

4. Application:  Preliminary and final major site plan

Block 6 Lot 17.01 &18.01

Speaker: Lorali Totten, P.E, Crest Engineering

The Commission had the following concerns:

· The Commission recommends that all lighting be LED, dark sky (downward facing), and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.

· The Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape with buffers between neighboring properties and roadways with as may NJ native flowering plants/buses/trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammal, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also act to improve local air and water quality.

· The Commission is requesting that mature trees be preserved. The removal and replacement plan for the trees should be reviewed and approved by the Shade tree Commission and the Township Tree Assessor.

· The Commission recommends historic pesticide sampling in accordance with

NJDEP guidance if the historical use of property included farming.

· Please provide a combination of small trees, bushes and possibly a stone wall as a visual buffer between the highway and the location of the septic system in the front of the property. Plantings in the buffer should be native NJ evergreens wherever possible.

· Please consider installation of EV charging stations instead of on EV ready stations.

· Please consider incorporating as many of the attached eco-friendly design options as possible

· Developments along Route 33 have incorporated sidewalk plans in their design. The Commission recommends hat a sidewalk be provided along the property’s frontage on Route 33 or that funds be set aside for a sidewalk to be installed in the future.

· Please review NJDEP’s GeoWeb landscape and historic preservation overlays. Property should also be reviewed by the Monroe Township Historical Preservation Commission.

· The Commission recommends that a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) be prepared for the property by an experienced environmental professional and in accordance with ASTM standard E1527-21- Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessment.

· The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, the Commission prior to seeking Zoning and / or Planning board approval in all future application submittals.

Application: Preliminary major site plan

Bock 3, Lots 16, 17 & 18

Speaker: Sharif Aly, Amertech Engineering

The Commission had the following concerns:

· The commission recommends that all lighting be LED, dark sky (downward facing), and motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.

· The Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape with buffers between neighboring properties and roadways with as many New Jersey native flowering plants/ bushes/trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also act to improve local air and water quality.

· Please provide a combination of small trees, bushes and possibly a stone wall as a visual buffer between the highway and the location of the septic system in the front of the property. All plantings should be native NJ evergreens wherever possible.

· Please consider installation of EV charging stations instead of only EV ready stations.

· Please consider incorporation as many of the attached eco-friendly design options as possible.

· Developments along Route 33 have incorporated sidewalk plans in their design. The Commission recommends that a sidewalk be provided along the property’s frontage on Roue 33 or that funds be set aside for a sidewalk to be installed in the future.

· Please review NJDEP’s GeoWeb landscape overlay and note that three lots are mapped entirely within the vernal habitat area. Additionally, on page 155 of the Monroe Township Environmental Resource Inventory (Monroe ERI) date 2020 is Figure 22 entitled, NJDEP Landscape Project. Note that it appears this map identifies the subject property as being within a “vernal habitat area”. Please provide a more detailed evaluation of the vernal habitat area in accordance with the NJ Freshwater Wetland Protection Act Rules with Respect to the proposed warehouse development based on the information in the NJDEP GeoWeb overlays and in Monroe’s ERI. If necessary, consider site field verification of the information provided on GeoWeb and in Monroe’s ERI.

· The November 2022 PA/SI report identified the following 4 areas of environmental concerns:

1. Potential historically applied pesticides

2. Potential underground storage tanks associated with the former residences on the property.

3. Surficial debris and containers and storage trailers housing farm equipment.

Areas of concern were furthered investigated and determined not to be of environmental concern due to the type of debris found and the condition of equipment stored in the trailer. Areas 1 and 2 were further investigated by collecting appropriate samples for pesticides, arsenic, and lead in accordance with NJDEP historic pesticide sampling guidance and by conducting afield geophysical investigation for the presence of any underground metal anomalies. No soil samples exceeded the NJDEP soil remediation standards for pesticides, arsenic, and lead. No metal anomalies such as underground storage tanks were noted. However, metal debris and clay/terra cotta pipe were found. No obvious signs of release to the environment were noted such as odors, stained soils, or elevated readings on field

instrumentation. No additional investigation was proposed by Excel. The Commission finds the investigation results acceptable.

· The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendation from, the Commission prior to seeking Zoning and/or Planning board approval in all future application submittals.

Application: Preliminary major site plan

Bock 3, Lots 31 & 32

Speaker: Sharif Aly, Amertech Engineering

The Commission had the following concerns:

· The Commission recommends that all lighting be LED, dark sky (downward facing), and

motion sensitive, to eliminate as much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.

• The Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape with buffers between

neighboring properties and roadways with as many New Jersey native flowering plants /

bushes / trees as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to

thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings. These buffers also act to

improve local air and water quality.

• Please consider installation of EV charging stations instead of only EV ready stations.

• Please consider incorporating as many of the attached eco-friendly design options as


• The lots are heavily wooded, and the development plans include substantial tree removal.

The removal and replacement plan for the trees should be reviewed and approved by the

Shade Tree Commission and the Township Tree Assessor.

• The Commission recommends that the boundary between the usable land and unusable

land be identified by either a chain link fence or concrete survey markers not over 100

feet apart, with their locations on the final approved plans, so that inspections can be.

done to ensure that no activity of any kind occurs on the unusable portion of the property.

The fence or survey markers shall be maintained by the property owner.

• Please discuss the possibility of installing sidewalks or setting aside funds for a potential

future sidewalk along North Disbrow Hill Road to be installed at a later date.

• At the eastern end of North Disbrow Hill Road, the road sharply bends to the south. The

proposed warehouse will be designed with bays for tractor trailers. Please review the

sharp bend in North Disbrow Hill Road with respect to traffic safety since there are many.

residential properties to the south of this proposed development. Tractor trailer traffic

should not impact the safety of the residents and their vehicles on North Disbrow Hill


5. Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-

· The Monroe Township Highschool Green Team

The Green Team has finalized the survey about the variety of clubs the school offers to School Culture & Climate Needs Assessment action that will be sent out the students during a meeting earlier today. Created a School Culture & Climate Needs Assessment subcommittee to work on a main project to make a guide on improving our community and create a survey and inform ourselves on what community.

· Preschool Collab

Application for the Preschool Collab closed yesterday, and team members are expected to be chosen for this three-day event in the next two weeks.

· Eco night Prep

The Eco night Event Team is a group that will manage and execute the Environmental Actions Club’s 4th Annual Eco night that will be takin place on April 14th this spring. The Event Team application closed yesterday and the Eboard will review the applications and appoint members to begin the event prep process to anticipate its first in person event at school.

· Sustainable Jersey Grant

The Green Team Grant members will meet later this month to plan out a project proposal for the new grant cycle in March.

General Member Meeting – Nothing to Report

b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report.

c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian

· The Stream cleanup will be Saturday April 15, 2023

d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-

e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.

f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider –

· There are going to be some more programs at the library starting January 21, 2023.Bee Keeping for everyone, Dep Climate change, EAC, Gardening and rain gardening.

g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-

h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar-

· The Green Fair is scheduled for September 23, 2023

6. Planning Board – Nothing to report

7. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

8. Open to Public – Nothing to report.

9. Adjournment 9:47 pm Motion: Renee Haider Second: John Riggs

10. NEXT MEETING DATE: February 1, 2023

Environmental Minutes | December 7, 2022




Meeting Date: December 7th, 2022


  • CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro

Pledge to Flag

  • Sunshine Law- Read into the record
  • Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)

                    _√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _√_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)

                    _√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling

                    _√_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian

                    _√_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison)

                     _√_ Mihir Majmundar, __ John Riggs

                     __ Lucille di Pasquale, _√_ Surabhi Agarwal

                     __ Irene Goldberg, _√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes: A Motion to approve the October 5th, 2022, minutes made by Joseph Slomian and seconded by Roger Dreyling. All in favor.


 Application A.   No Applicants to report                  

  • Committee Reports:
  • High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-

General Member Meeting

  • Informed new and returning members of the requirements, Green Team Grant, leadership and volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events.
  • The trip to Thompson Park was unexpectedly canceled, but another similar field trip is planned some time in the spring of next year.

Monroe Township Highschool Green Team

  • During the meetings last month, the Green Team has been working on a survey about the variety of clubs the school offers for the School Culture & Climate Needs Assessment action that will be sent out to the students.
  • Began updating past actions to ensure we can submit the renewed actions for Sustainable Jersey.

Preschool Collab

  • In early February, EAC will work with the Falcon’s Nest staff and teachers to create an activity to educate the students in the environmental concepts and sustainability. The Club will create a committee of 3 students to organize and plan activities, coordinate with Falcon’s Nest, and oversee the completion of the project.

Haunted High School

  • EAC’s haunted high school theme was “Clean Earth” and had games such as trash toss for kids during the event on October 25th.

Sustainable Jersey Grant

  • The final report for the grant project is planned to be completed before the end of December.
  • The Green Team will begin to brainstorm actions and ideas to plan out for the new grant cycle in March.
  • Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro – Nothing to report
  • Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian
  • Olivia Spildooren reached out about a stream clean up date. The dates that we can choose from are 4/15, 4/16, 4/22 & 23.
    • Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-
  • Demonstration of how the Panasonic Whisper air filters the room without any noise, filtering the air.
    • Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.
    • Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider –
  • There are going to be some more programs at the library starting January 21, 2023.Bee, Keeping for everyone, Dep Climate change, EAC, Gardening and rain gardening.
    • Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider- The Monroe Township received Silver Certification
  • Renee Spoke with Harold Klein concerning the Community solar. The Township is not going to be too aggressive, because it might cause some confusion for the residents.
    • Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar- Nothing to report                          
  • Planning Board – Nothing to report
  • Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.
  • Open to Public – Discussions
  • Roger Dreyling informed us that the State of NJ is proposing storm water management regulations. They are proposing stricture rules for hazard and flood areas.
  • Surabhi Argarwal would like to ask the Township if we can Plant milk weeds to help save the Monarch butterflies. Also plant more trees and installing more bee hotels wherever we can.
  • Adjournment 8:43pm Motion: Renee Haider Second: Joseph Slomian


  • NEXT MEETING DATE: January 4, 2022

Environmental Minutes | October 5, 2022


Meeting October 5, 7:00PM

1. CALL TO ORDER- Chairwoman Karen Polidoro
Pledge to Flag

2. Sunshine Law- Read into the record

3. Roll Call – (Commissioners and Associates)
_√_ Karen Polidoro (Chair), _√_ Rupa Siegal (Council Liaison)
_√_ Renee Haider, _√_ Roger Dreyling
_√_ Ken Konya, _√_ Joe Slomian
_√_ Giada Schwam (Student Liaison), __ Daria Ludas
_√_ Mihir Majmundar, _√_ John Riggs
__ Lucille di Pasquale, _√_ Surabhi Agarwal
__ Irene Goldberg, _√_ Theresa Zamorski (Secretary)

Adoption of Minutes: Karen moved to approve September 7th, 2022 minutes, Renee Haider motioned, All in favor.

4. Application A. Apple Realty, LLC
Block 47.01, Lot 8.01

Speaker: Rosalind Westlake
Rosalind Westlake, ESQ, LLC
Daniel Distefano

a. The commission had the following concerns:
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that current traffic flow pattern at the Apple Plaza property continue as it is today and not be modified as a result of proposed lot line change separating the northern and southern ends of the property.
• If there is any change to the landscaping as a result of the lot change, the MTEC is encouraging all applicants to landscape with as many New Jersey native flowering plants/bushes as possible to encourage pollinator (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings.
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, the Monroe Township Environmental Commission prior to seeking Zoning and/or Planning Board approval in all future application submittals.

Application B. Guru Nanak Sikh Heritage, Inc. Phase II
Block 13, Lot 2
Speaker: John Ploskonka
Concept Engineering
Consultants, PA.

c. The commission had the following concerns:
• The Commission Requests that the township planner field review and approve the final landscaping plan.
• We understand that the landscaping plans revised as of October 4, 2022, include nine Norway Spruce on the North side of the proposed sport building, Five Compact Japanese Holly on the north side of the building addition, and two Norway Spruce to be relocated in the center of the proposed final site plan along the south side of the proposed sidewalk.
• The Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape with as many New Jersey native flowering plants/bushes as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, birds, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings.
• It is our understanding that 2 Cree OSQ LED light Type IV Medium W/BLS Distribution, 166 Watts and 20 ft Mounting Height lighting will be installed on the south side and front of proposed building. Additionally, one light at the bend in the walkway of the same type will be installed.
• It is recommended that all lighting be LED, motion sensitive, and downward facing, to eliminate ad much light pollution as possible during the evening hours.
• The Commission recommends that the land under the power line easement and to the east of the easement be preserved as open space in perpetuity except for a 30’ wide sewer line ROW along the northern side of the property. This will expand the preserved wetlands area to the south of block 13, lot 2.
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendation from, the MTEC prior to seeking Zoning and/ or Planning Board approval in all future application submittals.

Application C. Solar Farms, Farrington Boulevard
Block 8, Lot 2.09
Speaker: Crest Engineering
Lorali E Totten

c. The commission had the following concerns:
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to landscape with as many New Jersey native flowering plants /bushes as possible to encourage pollinators (bees, insects, mammals, etc.) to thrive, including a mixture of annual and perennial plantings.
• The Monroe Township Commission recommends that the applicant and any successors comply with all state and local wetlands regulations and if the buffer area is currently grass or weeds, we recommend that it can only mowed once per year during the month of November or December, benefiting both insects and wildlife habitats.
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends a visual buffer of evergreen plantings (not White Pine between Perrineville Road and the proposed building.
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends that there only be signage on Farrington Boulevard at the access point for the applicants building.
• It is recommended that all lighting be LED, downward facing, and motion sensitive to eliminate as much light as pollution as possible during the evening hours.
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission recommends installing at least one EV charging parking space.
• The Monroe Township Environmental Commission is encouraging all applicants to schedule meetings to schedule meetings with, and seek recommendations from, the Monroe Township Environmental Commission prior to seeking Zoning and/ or Planning Board approval in all future application submittals.


5. Committee Reports:

a. High School Student Liaison- Giada Schwam-
• Back to school: Informed new and returning members of the membership requirements, Green Team Grant, leadership and volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events.
• Monroe Township Green Team: During the two meetings last month, the Green Team has decided to work on completing the Promote Locally Grown Foods, Community/School Garde, Outdoor Classroom, Food Waste Management, & Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and promotion Initiatives actions.
• Club Rush: EAC has gained 10 new members from the presentation of the club’s goals & environmental events during the club rush event.
• Green Fair Prep: There are a total of 12 students who have signed up to present at the Green Fair. There will be a total of 6 different exhibits, ranging from Endangered Animals to Nuclear Energy. The final report for the grant project is planned to be completed before the end of December. A couple of items will be needed to submit the final report, such as the plaques and student feedback.
b. Trails and Bike Paths Committee- Coordinator Karen Polidoro -
c. Storm Water & Streams Committee- Coordinator Joe Slomian-Nothing to report.
d. Energy Committee – Coordinator Ken Konya-
• Panasonic is introducing Whisper Air Repair. It is an advanced spot air purification and odor elimination unit that purifies the room within 24 hours. It kills bacteria, viruses and purifies the room. It is being approved in a lot of the industries, Hotels & Hospitality, Light Commercial and Single & Multi Family Homes.
e. Open Space- Coordinator John Riggs-No Status on Masterplan.

f. Education Committee Report- Coordinator Renee Haider –
• We had 390 points for our Monroe Sustainable Jersey Certification. There were 9 actions approved and 3 not approved, Leaving us at silver status.

g. Sustainable New Jersey – Coordinator Renee Haider-
• The League of Municipalities annual luncheon will be held on Tuesday November 15, 2022 11:30 AM at the Sheraton Hotel Atlantic City, NJ. All members interested in going need to register.
h. Green Fair Committee Report – Coordinator Mihir Majmundar-


6. Planning Board – Nothing to report

7. Old Business – New Business – Nothing to report.

8. Open to Public –Comments- Daria Ludas (Jamesburg)
9. Adjournment 8:29 pm Motion: John Riggs Second: Renee Haider

10. NEXT MEETING DATE: November 2, 2022