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Mayor Dalina to Match $5 Million in State Education Grants to Advance Applegarth Elementary School Roof and HVAC Project

$10 Million Board of Education Project Will Lose State Grant Funds Without 50% “Local” Match

MONROE – November 14, 2023 – Monroe Mayor Stephen Dalina, in support of the Monroe schools, is moving forward to provide a matching grant to ensure critical repairs are undertaken at Applegarth Elementary School.

Without $5 million in matching funds from the municipality, the school district would lose $4 million in state grants.

“Monroe’s municipal government has worked closely and partnered with the Board of Education to benefit students and taxpayers in the past,” Mayor Dalina said. “While I just learned about the BOE application and recent award, I am prepared to step up again to help, adding the necessary funds for a 50% state match. This is the ideal opportunity for the Board of Education to resolve long overdue and much-needed school repairs with less burden on the Monroe taxpayers.”

The Mayor noted this is a rare opportunity, as the state has not offered these matching grants for school repairs for a decade.

“I am committed to a shared services agreement in partnership with the Board of Education to ensure millions of dollars of state education capital grant dollars are not returned to the state and given out elsewhere,” Mayor Dalina said. “There is absolutely no way this municipality will let $5 million in state grants slip through our fingers.”

Monroe school officials recently received word from the state that the district could receive a $4 million “Regular Operating District” (ROD) matching grant for Applegarth Elementary School if a “local” match is identified for the $10 million project. The school district was also able to secure a separate $1 million state matching grant in the 2023/24 state budget. The Board of Education must secure the local match of $5 million for the $10 million project or decline the award.

Applegarth Elementary School, which was built in 1936, currently serves almost 450 students. This project would replace a 50-year old roof and 70-year old HVAC system, both identified as critical repairs by the Monroe Board of Education.

To secure the state funds, Mayor Dalina will be calling upon the Township Council to support a shared services agreement with the school district. Under the plan, the municipality would issue bonds to pay off the debt; future taxpayers will contribute.

“The school district’s professionals have informed us that this project will ensure that Applegarth Elementary School can continue to serve Monroe students for the foreseeable future,” Mayor Dalina said, noting the municipality is able to borrow funds at advantageous long term interest rates with its AA+ bond rating.

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